
“Nothing real can be threatened.

Nothing unreal exists.

Herein lies the peace of God.”

-A Course in Miracles

  “Spirit is in a state of grace forever.

Your reality is spirit.

Therefore you are in a state of grace forever.”



“Serve first thy brother. Hurt first thy self rather than thy neighbor. Gain naught from him unbalanced by thy giving. Protect thou the weak with thy strength, for if thou use thy strength against him his weakness will prevail against thee, and thy strength will avail thee naught.”

~from The Divine Iliad 



 i am excited + eager to start the day and am happy + grateful to be alive and well. I am blessed to have such loving + supporting family + friends. Today I am going to start off with this prayer – thank you universe for giving me this gorgeous gift of life, light and love and the power to direct my mind to whichever ends I so desire. I ask not for more money but for more wisdom + knowledge to elevate my mind and soul to the depths of the earth and the distances of the skies!