
“Nothing real can be threatened.

Nothing unreal exists.

Herein lies the peace of God.”

-A Course in Miracles

  “Spirit is in a state of grace forever.

Your reality is spirit.

Therefore you are in a state of grace forever.”



“Serve first thy brother. Hurt first thy self rather than thy neighbor. Gain naught from him unbalanced by thy giving. Protect thou the weak with thy strength, for if thou use thy strength against him his weakness will prevail against thee, and thy strength will avail thee naught.”

~from The Divine Iliad 



universe is Mind, an ocean of living intelligence. Conversation or communication should be seen as the art of helping each other see the beauty and understanding of the Whole revealed in every part. Like a hologram. As above, so below. Invite the harmonic relationship of planet, plant, and human into your awareness. Physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual aspects all play a piece in the pie, just like the tires, engine, fuel, and body of your automobile. If you are keen on a healthy car for all it ables you to do then you most certainly will nourish and maintain all the important components. Your body is the great pyramid of Giza, a temple. Appreciate and love yourself for the magnificent source energy that permeates every cell of your being.            




Hola eh 

     Have you ever thought about the relationship between the way you look&feel with what you eat&drink? Or have you noticed that your thoughts control food choices and your food choices control your thoughts? Why do you eat a certain way? Ask yourself if you are mindful and grateful for what you have. Food and life. Observing oneself by listening to your body and its signals can be the key to thriving. Bad food blocks your river veins with beaver dams hindering your true potential. Try Contemplating with your solar plexus if it’s a yay or nay to eat the food you are currently eating, don’t be afraid to change it up, be adaptable like