
Know that you & you only hold the power, the key to your fulfillment, your freedom, creatively, communitively, financially, eternal experience is your true nature. Tap in, tune in, turn on your innerforce, awaken the giant within!

None but ourselves can free our minds.

Who you ARE is more powerful than what you will ever have.

What you will become is more valuable than anything of value.

You must be willing to give up/surrender who you are & what you have for what you WILL BECOME.

This is the opportunity clock speaking.

Take it easy,

But take it.

The Purpose of Clouds

Why do clouds block the sun? Where do they come from? Why does water have so many different forms? 

Are clouds the clutch of the car?

Do they connect & disconnect the engine (Sun) from the transmission (Earth)? 

Are clouds shifting gears and regulating the rpm’s of the planet? 

Is water the lubricant (oil)?

Is Nature a super intelligent biological machine?

Is your true nature infinite intelligence?

Read’em & Weep

The more you learn,

The more you earn – WB

Whether it’s joy, peace, love, wealth, health, the more you learn, the more you earn! -Kody LeComte 

This week on my bookshelf,

Against a mysterious landscape, into the heart of magic we join the master – Castaneda! 

His legend and his power have grown over generations,
In this haunting and deeply personal book, he takes the reader into the very heart of sorcery, challenging both imagination and reason. shaking the foundations of our belief in what is “natural” & “logical,” he brings us a world full of terrors, mysterious forces, and dazzling insights.

If you’re curious about Castaneda, be sure to start at the beginning of his journey – The Teachings of Don Juan: A Yaqui Way of Knowledge

As for Marcus Aurelius – fresh, intelligent, grounded, peaceful and inspiring insights that act almost as guideposts for one’s life. 
 What are you reading this week?
Have you read these books?


“Nothing real can be threatened.

Nothing unreal exists.

Herein lies the peace of God.”

-A Course in Miracles

  “Spirit is in a state of grace forever.

Your reality is spirit.

Therefore you are in a state of grace forever.”



“Serve first thy brother. Hurt first thy self rather than thy neighbor. Gain naught from him unbalanced by thy giving. Protect thou the weak with thy strength, for if thou use thy strength against him his weakness will prevail against thee, and thy strength will avail thee naught.”

~from The Divine Iliad